3 research outputs found

    Model Comparison for Semantic Grouping

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    We introduce a probabilistic framework for quantifying the semantic similarity between two groups of embeddings. We formulate the task of semantic similarity as a model comparison task in which we contrast a generative model which jointly models two sentences versus one that does not. We illustrate how this framework can be used for the Semantic Textual Similarity tasks using clear assumptions about how the embeddings of words are generated. We apply model comparison that utilises information criteria to address some of the shortcomings of Bayesian model comparison, whilst still penalising model complexity. We achieve competitive results by applying the proposed framework with an appropriate choice of likelihood on the STS datasets.Comment: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learnin

    Multilingual Factor Analysis

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    In this work we approach the task of learning multilingual word representations in an offline manner by fitting a generative latent variable model to a multilingual dictionary. We model equivalent words in different languages as different views of the same word generated by a common latent variable representing their latent lexical meaning. We explore the task of alignment by querying the fitted model for multilingual embeddings achieving competitive results across a variety of tasks. The proposed model is robust to noise in the embedding space making it a suitable method for distributed representations learned from noisy corpora.Comment: Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistic

    FPR -- Fast Path Risk Algorithm to Evaluate Collision Probability

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    As mobile robots and autonomous vehicles become increasingly prevalent in human-centred environments, there is a need to control the risk of collision. Perceptual modules, for example machine vision, provide uncertain estimates of object location. In that context, the frequently made assumption of an exactly known free-space is invalid. Clearly, no paths can be guaranteed to be collision free. Instead, it is necessary to compute the probabilistic risk of collision on any proposed path. The FPR algorithm, proposed here, efficiently calculates an upper bound on the risk of collision for a robot moving on the plane. That computation orders candidate trajectories according to (the bound on) their degree of risk. Then paths within a user-defined threshold of primary risk could be selected according to secondary criteria such as comfort and efficiency. The key contribution of this paper is the FPR algorithm and its `convolution trick' to factor the integrals used to bound the risk of collision. As a consequence of the convolution trick, given KK obstacles and NN candidate paths, the computational load is reduced from the naive O(NK)O(NK), to the qualitatively faster O(N+K)O(N+K).Comment: To appear in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L